Products, Services & Solutions


Where Climbing Becomes a Classroom.

Encourage movement, teamwork, and critical thinking

Climbing provides a vertical classroom for elementary through high school students. It not only promotes physical fitness and builds confidence but also imparts critical thinking, hands-on problem-solving skills, teamwork, and a sense of responsibility.

Beyond physical education and health-related curricula, climbing seamlessly integrates into educational lesson plans. Interactive climbing-related lessons can be woven into subjects like geology, math, physics, and geometry, expanding creative academic possibilities. Our team collaborates with you to deliver the best climbing wall solutions for your students.

Tailored Solutions for Schools K-12

EP Climbing partners with primary and secondary schools, addressing a spectrum of needs from budget constraints to programming objectives. We offer a range of standard and custom climbing panels and walls to cater to your unique requirements.

Schools K-12 Schools K-12 Schools K-12

Standard and Custom Traverse Wall Panels

  • Standard 4ft x 4ft Panels: These panels come with detailed installation instructions and can be installed by your team or a contractor. Standard applications use two panels tall (8ft) to keep climbers close to the ground, allowing them to practice lateral movements rather than vertical ascents. Fold-up mats are recommended to secure the wall when not in use.
  • Custom Traverse Walls: Tailor-made to suit your space, aesthetic preferences, and program requirements, custom traverse walls adhere to the same stringent safety standards. We collaborate closely with you to ensure a safe and cost-effective solution.

Connect with Our Team for Expert Guidance

EP offers more climbing solutions for your school such as custom bouldering walls and standard and custom roped walls to take your students' love for climbing to the next level.


Reach out to our team to learn more about the different types of climbing walls and the best solution for your school.

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