PPE Inspection

Personal protective equipment (PPE) inspection is essential for climber safety

Users must inspect PPE regularly. A visual and tactile inspection must be carried out before and after each use by competent people. They are governed by standard NF S72-701 of April 2008.

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Inspections of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) are absolutely essential to ensure climbers’ safety.

According to federal and departmental recommendations, you must:

  • Inspect equipment for wear and tear (through traceability of all equipment)

  • Check its compliance with standards

  • Have a replacement plan

EP Climbing can help you with this process, and carry out the annual inspection of your PPE.

This can involve setting up appropriate systems for the management of your equipment:

  • Identifying an equipment manager.
  • Following the manufacturer’s instructions for use.
  • Marking equipment so that it can be tracked individually or by batch.
  • Keeping a register of all the equipment records.
  • Routine inspections at every use.
  • A comprehensive inspection at least once a year.
  • Providing information to users.

Trained in PPE equipment inspection, our team can monitor wear on your equipment and compliance with current standards. If necessary, we can also create or update your PPE register and inspection reports.


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