Essential Walls
Simply EP

Essential Walls

A simple, affordable, and all-in-one system that makes climbing accessible to everyone. Perfect for schools, gyms, or even your own home.

Making climbing accessible to everyone
White Paper

Making climbing accessible to everyone

Download our White Paper to explore the rising need for climbing and propose fast, affordable, and accessible solutions for building climbing walls.



Essential Walls offers the best of MozaiK EP Walls for your school, gym or even sports centre, with optimised time, project management and installation.  We've created these new standard models to optimise space and allow you to integrate climbing into your sports centre without a major workload. These walls are a perfect response to the demand for climbing for beginners, which has increased since the sport was included in the Olympic Games in 2021. In several countries, the number of people participating in climbing each year has increased by 20% since the Tokyo Olympic Games. With Climbing appearing at the Paris Olympic Games in 2024, the sport is set to continue its rise in popularity! 

Our essential walls are a fantastic solution for a simple bespoke climbing wall, manufactured to the highest quality.

Create your climbing wall in just a few steps

We've created a very simple process for you to have a proposal with a design and study in just a couple of days.

1. Define the dimensions of your wall

1. Define the dimensions of your wall

This involves determining the height and width of your climbing surface. Consider factors such as space availability, intended usage, and the skill levels of your climbers. By establishing clear dimensions, you can create a safe and versatile climbing environment that accommodates various climbing styles and abilities.

2. Select your volumes and colours

2. Select your volumes and colours

Choose volumes that complement the dimensions of your wall and provide diverse climbing challenges and select colors that enhance visibility and aesthetics while aiding route differentiation. By carefully curating volumes and colors, you can create an engaging and visually appealing climbing environment that caters to climbers of all skill levels.

Essential Walls : simple, affordable, all in one

The Essential Climbing Wall System is your gateway to the world of climbing, perfect for schools, gyms, or even your own home. This simple, affordable, and all-in-one system makes climbing accessible to everyone.

Maximize your space, not your budget. The modular design of the Essential Climbing Wall System fits snugly into smaller spaces and integrates seamlessly into existing structures. This makes it a perfect choice for schools looking to introduce climbing without major renovations. Plus, it looks great too!

Fast track to climbing fun. Forget months of planning! The Essential Climbing Wall System is a standard model, eliminating the need for extensive design and engineering. This means a faster installation process, so you can be scaling the walls in no time.

Effortless setup, easy on the wallet. The Essential Climbing Wall System boasts a streamlined installation process that requires fewer resources. This not only simplifies the setup but also translates to reduced costs.

Climbing made affordable. Designed with affordability in mind, the Essential Climbing Wall System offers significant cost savings thanks to its efficient installation and design. This makes it an ideal choice for schools and budget-conscious individuals seeking a way to bring the joy of climbing indoors.

The Essential Climbing Wall System offers a simple, affordable, and all-in-one solution for anyone seeking to introduce a climbing wall. With its modular design, faster installation, and cost-effective approach, it's the perfect way to unleash the climbing craze in your space!

Benefits of installing an Essential wall

Small Wall

Medium Wall

Large wall

Want to discuss a project with our team?

Let's Talk!

Do you want to know more about the benefits of climbing for everyone?

Download our white paper!

Through the document, we explore the rising need for climbing and propose fast, affordable, and accessible solutions for building climbing walls.

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