Posted on oct. 04, 2021


A few months ago, Andrea contacted us, and this was the beginning of a beautiful collaboration. A project that inspired both EP and Petzl teams to come up with a unique project. But who is Andrea?

Andréa is a human project, unusual and strong, carried by two passionate people; Nina Caprez, a world-class Swiss climber, and Jeremy Bernard, a French outdoor photographer.


Andrea's mission is to explore, meet, and share through sports, often of the extreme kind.

To make their dream come true, Nina and Jérémy bought a Mercedez Benz Unimog U2150 truck (called Andréa)

The truck is oversized, but indispensable for pacing the roads, going to places in the world that are sometimes remote, and, above all, being able to support a climbing wall to bringing Climbing to Everyone!



In September, the crew left for Romania and established their basecamp in Vulcan, in the "Dalas" district, in the middle of the Jiu valley.
Why Dalas? Thanks to an unplanned meeting with Felipe and Janelle. Dalas is a very poor town, located in the Vulcan District. This is where Felipe and Janelle opened the climbing gym called Fara Limite, free and made for young people, open to all. This gym offers a place where climbing meets education and social issues. The aim is to enable young people to develop their potential, learn practical skills and build character through safe and healthy educational activities. All in all, Vulcan was the perfect place for Andrea, as the goals and values shared with Fara Limite were so closely aligned. A perfect extension of the project and an unexpected break for the young people.

During 10 days, Nina & Jeremy spent their time with the kids, climbing together, teaching them photography, and talking a lot about their life and their future.
As they stayed for 10 days, they were able to install their EP Climbing wall and held the first bouldering contest of Andrea's history. "A crazy moment fulfilled with love, care, and positive energy with 70 kids of the city.

EP Team is proud of this project. For more than 35 years, we are working hard on our projects and we truly believe that climbing is a complete and human sport.

A project like Andrea is gold, and reach out to isolated, sometimes underprivileged populations to share the values of climbing with them is totally in accordance with our desire of bringing climbing to all.

We would like to thank Nina and Jeremy as well as Petzl for the work we did together on the design and the conception of the climbing wall and mats for Andrea.


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